Leaving for the Banks Islands

We have been in Port Orly on the island of Espritu Santo for one week now. Today was the first day it did not rain in the past five days. On some days it rained 18 or 20 hours and came down hard. We have hung out here waiting for some wind to come up and the rain to slacken.

 Tomorrow seems to be the day. There is not much wind forecast, only 10 knots, but that beats the forecast of 2-5 knots for the rest of the week. We will leave before 6:30 am and head for Pwetevut Bay on the southeast corner of Gaua (Santa Maria) Island. It is about 50nm from here and should take us 8 or 9 hours in light winds.

 There is no cell phone service in the Banks Islands — indeed, very little communication at all. Supply ships come come and only a handful of yachts visit each year. We will,of course, still have satellite email. We are looking forward to some adventures.


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