May 10, 2011: Crocodile Dundee lives!
We met an Aussie today – a nice guy named Sean who gave us some important advice regarding fishing and crocs which we wanted to pass on to you – BECAUSE YOU NEVER KNOW when you might need it.
First of all… you don’t really have to worry about crocs since :
1.) The big ones are old and that means that they grew up when it was legal to shoot crocodiles – and apparently they are smart enough to associate the sound of an outboard motor (on your dinghy) with the memory of being shot at in their youth – and so, Sean tells us, as long as you are running your engine they won’t bother you.
2.) The smaller ones who don’t remember being shot at will probably be curious about you but also will be afraid of the sound of an engine and so they too should bugger off if you run your outboard.
3.) You only have to worry about the first bite….
1. Sean is a hired skipper who brings boats here and there around Australia and across various oceans. Before doing that he ran fishing charters so he also gave us good tips on how to catch barramundi (a delicious Australian fish). He also pointed out the crocs won’t be interested in your fishing pole, and even if they do, they will just snap it off before you have time to react anyways.
2. He also ran crocodile tours, so I guess he knows what he is talking about. He invited us to call when we get farther north and he will show us around the rain forests near Port Douglas where he lives when he is not off sailing.
3. He was super enthusiastic about how beautiful it is up north – and he assures us that as long as we don’t try swimming in or near any of the rivers we will be fine. The crocs apparently are “rarely” seen on beaches this time of year. (What a comfort!) This information was conveyed along with a few asides about the fact that it is now safe to swim because the deadly poisonous box jellyfish season is over. This is one strange country.
For those of you who enjoy Bill Bryson’s writing, pick up a copy of “In a Sunburned Country” and read Part III which gives the most accurate and hysterically funny description of this part of Australia.
We are currently in Rosslyn Bay on the mainland – just a short sail from our previous anchorage at Great Keppel Island. We had to come over here to pick up another pump and do a bit of provisioning. The stop has been well worth it. The name of the town closest to us was worth the trip alone: “Yeppoon”. The next closest town is called “Emu Park”. You have to love this place.
Tomorrow we head north another 50 miles to Pearl Bay.
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