23.30 GMT, Sunday, April 15th.
We ended up turning much farther south last night than we had wanted to due
to wind direction. Then this morning we set up our two headsails which
allows us to sail well downwind, but we had to head the wrong direction in
getting everything set up and by the time we were back on track we had gone
a little farther south than we wanted to – but still on a good track for
the Marquesas. Our position is South 06.05 and West 100.13. Very
light winds and we are having an uncomfortable day – lots of sloshing back
and forth in the swell as there is not enough wind to keep both of the
headsails full. We are sad that we are now out of VHF range of our friends
Intiaq – so I am sending them this mail as well, hoping they will send
me back an e-mail letting us know their position. They are probably
enjoying a gourmet dinner right now, while we are eating canned soup, old
stir-fried rice and chocolate covered bananas ( all of which were actually
quite delicious). Tomorrow I plan to cook a chicken curry- or if we
are lucky, some fresh caught fish.