We are departing in one hour (Tuesday morning local time, which is 0000 utc) from Scarborough Marina, heading for the island of Anatom in southeast Vanuatu. The course will be far from a straightline. We will start off heading northeast but then turn due east after a day or two when the wind switches and go about 400 miles or so that way until we turn northeast again. It we get tired, or the forecast changes, we will divert to Noumea in New Caledonia. The trip to Anatom will take 7 or 8 days, a day less to get to Noumea. The weather forecast looks good. The winds will start off as moderate SE with a largeiish swell leftover from the past weeks storms. We will zigzag with the wind shifts.
We are excited at beginning another season of adventure in the South Pacific. M.