Day 8 at sea

Day 8 at sea

Latitude N19 28.410
longitude W 029 45.53
Course over ground 270 degrees
Boat speed 7.5. – 8.2 knots

We are now starting our 8th day at sea. On day 6 we had very little wind and had to motor for about 11 hours. The wind picked up beautifully by ten pm on that day and we have been sailing along at between 7 and 8.5 knots, occasionally exceeding 9 knots, which is very good speed for us. Along with the wind, we have had an increase in the size of the swells, but it is still only about two meters. Everyone is doing well and we are able to cook, eat and just hang out without feeling any seasickness. Maybe it’s just the magic of meals on the boat at sea, but we have been eating like kings….. fresh caught mahi sautéed in garlic and olive oil, mahi tacos ( “macos”), chicken curry, Asian cole slaw with peanut dressing, fruit smoothies. It is lots of fun and Tom-Erik and Laura are the primary cooks. The crew are so helpful and always eager to help out with cooking, cleaning, and keeping watch. Tom even taught me a new boat knot, and they are working on teaching me a simple Norwegian song.

We each have our moments when we feel totally exhausted and yesterday was my turn. Luckily with Mark and the crew, there is always someone to step in and do whatever needs to be done so the exhausted person can take a nap. Today it’s Marks tired day.

We are feeling very lucky in terms of weather ( knock on wood), seaworthiness of Sabbatical III, and crew compatibility.

We are now more than 1/3 of the way to Martinique.
