Saturday December 22. We are now on day 11 of our trip. It’s amazing that this passage which I was anticipating with so much anxiety over the past few months has been so great. The key is good luck with winds ( although we lost our wind last night and had to motor more than 12 hours) , competent and compatible crew, lots of food and of course a great captain. We have managed to sail, albeit slowly, most of the day today, even though the winds have pissed off to only 5-8 knots. We put up our mizzen ballooner, along with our other three sails, and it looks so beautiful right now. Tom prepared us a dynamite lunch… he is a great cook and takes a lot of care in his preparation.
Just before lunch we caught yet another mahi-mahi ( our fourth of the trip). This one was huge and just a beautiful blue and yellow color. He was so big, however, that when Mark tried to haul him up off the back of the boat, the fish fought back and managed to break free, taking with him our safety light at the back of the boat. We were chuckling to think that the fish and the light could possibly be tied together and the poor fish would be lit up for the next 72 hours. Doesn’t seem likely.
Unfortunately the forecast is for continued light winds tomorrow and then hopefully it will pick up a little by Sunday night.
We are at least halfway to Martinique and expect to be there around New Years.