Pasage to the Galapagos: Day 4

5:00 P.M. EST: N 2 degrees 48.0 seconds W 84 degrees
57.seconds1 Course direction 230 magnetic, speed 6.5 knots

We are now well into day 4 of our trip to the Galapagos. Had a
windless night and had to motor. It was as smooth as glass on
the ocean. Saw the Southern Cross constellation. This morning
the breeze picked up and we have been sailing all day. It is
very nice. We are not doing much – lots of napping as the heat
makes you very tired – plus the odd sleeping schedules. We all
like the watch schedule we are keeping with three 4 hour watches
between the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. and 4 three hour watches
the rest of the day. Everyone gets a chance to experience
keeping watch at different times of the day that way. Last
night I had the 3:00 a.m. to 6: a.m. shift. It was really hard
to stay awake. We have only seen one boat in the past 3 days-
it was a huge tanker that passed us about 5:00 P.M. last
evening. Kind of shocking to see it there after so many miles
of completely empty ocean. This morning there was a good size
squid on the deck. I didn’t know they could fly up to the deck
of a boat. Maybe it was dropped there by one of the 3 birds
that was circling our boat last night. In any event the little
bugger kind of made a purple gooey stain on the deck. Yuck.

Keep watching our blog to see when we reach the equator….. we
are only 2 degrees north of there right now!